
(Site last updated March 10, 2025)



Due to the 2024 death of the administrator, Ray Hoffeld, this website will remain accessible for reference but static. Feel free to explore its thorough and informative content. Ray would be very pleased you are here and interested.

Please see the For Sale page if you’re interested in acquiring parts or maybe a free avatar frame.

Sincerely, Ray’s widow


Ray’s last updates to the site, through June 2024:


Overview and Purpose of this Website

The Avatar 2000 is considered by many to be the “Grandfather of the Modern Recumbent Bicycle.” (Conceived and produced long before Hollywood and the geeks got hold of the word ‘Avatar’)

With the receipt of the remaining documents from Harald’s son Eric, this site is the  major repository of information about the Fomac Avatar2000.

With only approximately 140 units originally produced 40 years ago, it is not realistic to think that very many bikes remain “out there” in roadworthy condition. There are relatively few active riders, and only a handful of original owners.

But, there are a few.  Their knowledge and experience can be added to my own, so this remarkably designed and constructed bicycle is not destined to the dustbin of history.