The following information is provided to help anyone considering having a new seat produced. Hopefully, you may be able to find a reputable and willing leather worker in your area. If not, you may want to contact Forest Hill Leather to determine if Isaac Stoltzfus may be interested.
D-rings (plastic) 1 inch – source –
Main Adjustment straps – source –
Small plastic strap adjusters (for the two ½” top straps that keep the seat from sliding down over time) –
The original Avatar seats were made using a green colored mesh. Apparently, it was the only color available to them at the time. I would think they would have preferred black. Fortunately, I have been able to locate a similar, but black polyester weave. Using a macro-type lens, the following photos reveal what is referred to as a “leno” weave. One advantage is strength and it resists unraveling if cut or worn.
Seattle Fabrics Leno Firm Mesh
(As of April 2022, I note that Seattle Fabrics is listing this item as “Not Available”. Temporary? Supply chain issues? May need to find another source…) The “soft” version is still listed as available as of 5/31/22.