I currently have three road-ready Avatars. In 1984 I purchased my first bike. I drove to Wilmington, MA and personally picked it up from Harald Maciejewski, where he had recently assembled it in his basement “assembly plant”. It carries serial # 0136. This is the bike I have used on my cross-country trips 4 through 14.
The second bike was purchased in the late 1980s from Len Vreeland. This bike was his “backup” bike on his cross-country ride in 1981 and carries serial # 037. This bike is currently set up for my daily rides locally.

The third bike I call my “orphan” because it has no serial #. I built this bike up from a bare frame (one of three frames I purchased from Dick Forrestall when they were going out of business; none were stamped with serial #s.) I spent many hours hand filing and emery papering the brazed joints and then had a friend of a friend paint the frame and front fork. Unfortunately, I had it painted a metallic charcoal-grey. (I now wish I had it painted the original Imeron® black.)
In addition to the three bare frames I also purchased two complete steering rods, three front forks, seat support and six pre-bent side pieces for the seat. I have had the advantage of having a brother that has been a top-notch machinist all his life. With his limitless help and some osmosis, I was able to put together my own small machine shop. Accordingly, I was able to reproduce exactly the remaining parts necessary to complete this third bike.

One of the things that distinguishes and highlights the ultra-craftsmanship of the Avatar is the superior quality seat made from leather and polyester mesh. Of all the pictures of all the types of recumbents I have ever seen, none come close to the quality of the Avatar seat. Over the years my seats on 037 and 0136 were getting quite worn and I now needed a seat for the orphan. With life still in them, about eight years ago I started looking for someone that could try to copy and produce to the same high standard. I eventually found a young Amish fellow in the Lancaster, PA area that has now produced four seats for me (as of June 2021) that absolutely equal or exceed the originals. In fact, I had to come up with and supply the particular polyester mesh for him as he only works with leather. I also supply him with the D-rings and the small upper straps. ( see my recommendations under Parts / Specs ).
Using my good camera and macro lens, I was able to determine the type of weave (called “Leno”) and located a source over the internet. And, it was black! All the seat-mesh I have ever seen on the Avatar were green and I assume it was because that may have been all that Harald or Dick could source at the time. Black is much more appropriate as it matches the frame.
Here is more specific info about the seat