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Along the Oregon coast

McKenzie Pass and the 3 Sisters area

Long easy grind up from Prairie City. OR to Dixie Pass
My first computer – I still use this type, only 20 years old vs. 35!

White Bird Bridge over the Salmon River
Looking back on long climb out from White Bird, ID
…following the Lochsa River towards Lolo Pass and Missoula, MT

‘Gilmore Summit’ – Idaho
Teton Pass – before coasting down to Jackson, WY
….in the middle of nowhere. This is how the wagon trains transversed the continental divide.
In the vicinity of Riverton, WY (central WY)
Hot Springs State Park – Thermopolis, WY
Shell Falls
Climb to the top of the Big Horn Mtns

Last mile on this trip
End of trip –at the “You Are Here” marker! (For vehicles going back down)