With my first cross-country bike trip a success, I had no doubt the next year’s vacation would entail another long trip. It was not a question of if, or when, but where. For sure it would be out West.
My father had retired in 1977 and for the first decade of his retirement my parents were more than eager to hit the road with their “fifth-wheel” trailer. They had begun the semi-annual trek north and south to Florida; early on, earning the “snowbird” merit badge. However, they had more energy and wanderlust than to sit stationary one place or the other. So it was not long before their interest in traveling the country and my desire to ride cross country melded into one proposal. I do not remember whether it was my suggestion or theirs, but soon the subject of the Canadian Rockies was front and center.
I had been enthralled with the majestic views afforded by the mountains during my first trip. So I closely studied the relief maps with a prejudice toward those highest peaks. Looking at the map with trip #1 already etched in black with a “magic marker”, it was obvious to me. I could begin another line in the far northern part of the Canadian Rockies (Jasper) and run that marker all the way down the spine of the Rockies, terminating at last year’s endpoint (Colorado Springs).
This calculated out to a little over 1800 miles. Last year’s trip totaled 1300. My vacation time off would be four weeks versus six weeks last year. Still new to this sort of endeavor, I was not sure I could do it in that time frame, especially when allowing for transit time to and from the start and end points.
Soon a final plan was agreed upon. To maximize my time on the bike, we would drive across Canada non-stop to Jasper. I also recall “becoming ill” on a Thursday and Friday before the four-week scheduled vacation. We found ourselves in the vicinity of Alberta, Canada by the Sunday of that first weekend.
All went well at the start; Mom and Pop leapfrogging with the trailer with me on the bike, until we reached the Lake Louise area. At that point, they headed off to the Washington – Oregon area to sightsee while I trekked south. The plan called for a reunion in Colorado Springs near the end of the four weeks. I had a perfect trip. They, on the other hand, had one miserable experience. At a campground in the state of Washington a hose on the oil cooler came loose and sprayed the entire truck and much of the trailer with a messy and heavy film of oil. My father spent a couple of days cleaning with solvent and rags!

The rest of the trip with more pictures: